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Monday, June 20, 2016

Propaganda di Industri Tembakau dan Farmasi

Top 6 Similarities Between the Tobacco and Pharmaceutical Industries

By Marco Torres
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Tobacco companies and pharmaceutical companies share so many common industry practices that it is quite difficult to deny their ideological similarity. Besides the fact that both have used medical doctors to push their products, here are 5 other examples of similarities between the pharmaceutical and tobacco industries.

Big Tobacco and Big Pharma – the Similarities

1. They both keep harmful findings of their products from the public.

Manufacturers from both industries deny the presence of dangers in their products, and even spend millions of dollars trying to discredit the research that points to problems. For example, the tobacco industry knew that cigarette smoke contained radioactive alpha particles for more than four decades and developed “deep and intimate” knowledge of these particles’ cancer-causing potential, but they deliberately kept their findings from the public. UCLA researchers elaborate in the articleBig Tobacco knew radioactive particles in cigarettes posed cancer risk but kept quiet.
Pharmaceutical companies routinely prevent both physicians, public health agencies and the public itself from discovering the true harm of pharmaceuticals. As just one example of many, Merck was successfully sued for millions for withholding critical data about heart attacks in landmark trials involving the now-banned cox-2 inhibitor, Vioxx.
Furthermore, the pharmaceutical industry refuses to consider the study, analysis or evaluation of the pharmacokinetic properties of vaccine ingredients or excipients. One of the most critical elements which defines the toxicity potential of vaccines are its pharmacokinetic properties. This means that the bodily absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of ingredients within the vaccine are not known or even considered in safety assessments.

2. They both create fraudulent tests and arrange clinical trials by paying researchers to produce desired results.

The incentive for researchers to fabricate data on behalf of tobacco and pharmaceutical companies has always been enormous. Researchers have earned millions from drug research, and they know all too well that if they don’t produce the desired data, a loss of future work is inevitable. Unfortunately, because of secrecy, most fraud in clinical trials is unlikely to be detected.
Ghost writers are commonly commissioned by drug companies to produce ghost studies. Six of the top medical journals published a significant number of articles written by ghostwriters. The tobacco industry employed the same tactics in the 1950s for scientific and public acceptance of cigarettes. To learn more, read Who Really Writes Scientific Studies?
One in seven scientists says that they are aware of colleagues having seriously breached acceptable conduct by inventing results. And around 46 per cent say that they have observed fellow scientists engage in “questionable practices”, such as presenting data selectively or changing the conclusions of a study in response to pressure from a funding source.

3. They both targeted Hollywood and children.

study published in the health journal Tobacco Control, entitled How the tobacco industry built its relationship with Hollywood, said cigarette companies aggressively pursued product placement in films in the 1980s and “undertook an extensive campaign to hook Hollywood on tobacco by providing free cigarettes to actors.” The study reviewed more than 1,500 previously secret, internal tobacco industry documents made public through the 1998 tobacco settlement.

Tobacco companies also used cartoon characters such as Joe Camel and Popeye candy cigarettes to market to the youngest of generations to ease their progression into real cigarettes once they became adolescents.
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly working to incorporate pharmaceutical products and vaccines in film and television. For example pro-vaccine propagandas such as “Contagion — a fast-paced thriller about a deadly pandemic that sweeps across the world, killing millions as scientists race to find a vaccine. The movie has been hailed by pro-vaccine advocates, with Dr. Ward Robinson, medical director of the Guilford County Department of Public Health, saying that if anything, viewers should realize the importance of being vaccinated.”

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services routinely incorporates the message of their pharmaceutical masters through animated films and cartoons aimed at small children.
Sid the Science Kid Gets a Flu Shot (song):

4. They both have ties to organized crime.

It’s estimated that about one in every three cigarettes exported worldwide is sold on the black market. This enormous business is operated through a web of offshore companies and banking institutions that often employ the same routes and distributors.
Investigations have shown that tobacco manufacturers funnel massive amounts of their brand name cigarettes into smuggling networks, often employing circuitous routes in an apparent attempt to shield themselves from accusations of wrongdoing. Distributors and manufacturers work hand-in-hand to feed this market. But, in some cases, the manufacturers have worked directly with organized crime figures.
“The role of international pharmaceutical companies in the evolution of the international narcotics trade is very significant. Not only did the industry actually create new and more powerful drugs such as heroin, it spread addiction through their global export. In addition, pharmaceutical companies not only continued their practices after drugs were recognized as harmful but made every effort to evade regulation and detection in order to profit from their sales as long as possible, even when their own national governments had signed and implemented legislation criminalizing the production and export of narcotics unless strictly controlled. Finally, while pharmaceutical companies no longer participate in the actual production of illicit narcotics, they continue to profit from involvement in criminal economies by providing the precursor chemicals necessary to produce drugs.”

5. They’re both permitted by government to continue to sell harmful products simply by publishing warning data.

It’s the same old story for both industries, historically and in present day. Once an insider emerges, seemingly with scientific evidence or proof that their products are dangerous to human health, both industries are always permitted to continue selling them as long as they publish warning data about the product. They then continue working to suppress data about the extent of the danger.
Lawsuits against the product’s manufacturers are filed, but most are dismissed because of warning data. Industry analysts know that any case that does succeed could start a domino effect of future lawsuits, which keeps the industry determined to focus away from studies into their products, despite increasing evidence of their risks. The tobacco industry’s labeling requirement is an excellent example.
Meanwhile, the pharmaceutical industry is setting a whole new standard with nonsensical ads which would leave any sane person dumbfounded.
According to the Stelara website, “STELARA ® may help you find relief from moderate or severe plaque psoriasis symptoms”. But the voice-over on their TV ad also reveals that:
“Stelara may lower your ability to fight infections, and increase your risk of infections. Some serious infections require hospitalization. Before starting Stelara, your doctor should test for tuberculosis. Stelara may increase your risk of cancer. Always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, or have had cancer. Alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. These may be signs of a rare potentially fatal brain condition. Serious allergic reactions can occur. Tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. With 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses, IT’S STELARA!”
Bizarre STELARA ® Commercial:
A further list of side-effects associated with Stelara is available here.

6. They both use lobbyists to control politics and public opinion.

The pharmaceutical lobby is an industry that has no less than 1,274 registered lobbyists in Washington D.C. alone and spent around $900 million on lobbying between 1998 and 2005, more than any other industry. Big pharma lobbied on at least 1,600 pieces of legislation between 1998 and 2004.
And there are far more financial incentives than most realize, including funds from Congress at the behest of pharmaceutical lobbyists, for FDA and CDC personnel to forge relationships with the drug and vaccine makers.
According to a report published by the National Centre for Biotechnology Information (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov), most tobacco lobbyists work for both health and tobacco organizations, exposing real individual conflicts of interest in the industry. Logically, such lobbyists are not likely to lobby on behalf of health organizations for any tobacco reduction measures, for fear of offending their tobacco industry employer. In fact, five of the ten largest lobbying firms in Washington, D.C. represent the world’s deadliest drug pushers.

Inovasi Penghilang Racun Rokok

Ilustrasi merokok. (foto: MI/Rommy Pujianto)

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Divine kretek, sebagai salah satu temuan, menjadi pelopor dalam menunjukkan keberadaan rokok sehat. Menurut penelitian para pakar berbagai disiplin ilmu yang tergabung dalam Lembaga Penelitian Peluruhan Radikal Bebas (LPPRB) di Malang, Jawa Timur, jika selama ini rokok dipandang sebagai produk yang mematikan, sekarang tembakau yang menjadi bahan baku utama rokok itu justru mengandung sejumlah zat yang dapat menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit, termasuk kanker.
Pendapat merokok tapi sehat kini mendapat perhatian. Berdasarkan hasil riset ilmiah, sekarang rokok kretek dapat ditransformasikan menjadi rokok sehat. Rokok kretek atau yang populer disebut kretek saja, yang selama ini -seperti rokok-rokok lain- mendapat stigma negatif sebagai penyebab penyakit dan kematian, ternyata tidak lagi berbahaya bagi kesehatan manusia dan lingkungannya.
Divine kretek merupakan sebuah filter rokok yang memiliki sebuah teknologi untuk menghilangkan radikal bebas dari asap rokok. Selain itu, teknologi tersebut memodifikasi makro molekul yang terkandung dalam asap rokok lewat sentuhan teknologi dengan ukuran lebih kecil.
Pada dasarnya, divine kretek merupakan peluruh radikal bebas. Ilmuwan yang berjasa menemukan formula peluruh radikal bebas ini adalah Dr. Gretha Zahar, ahli kimia radiasi dari Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Jawa Barat. Wanita yang lahir tahun 1939 di Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, ini melakukan riset secara mandiri sejak tahun 2000 untuk mengembangkan metode terapi penyembuhan penyakit degeneratif, antara lain kanker, stroke, alzheimer, dengan teknik peluruhan radikal bebas. Terapi penyembuhan dilakukan dengan metode balur menggunakan formula berbasis asam amino untuk menangkap radikal bebas yang disebut scavenger.
Penerapan metode balur yang digunakan Gretha itu awalnya terinspirasi oleh cara pengobatan kuno, yang dahulu biasa dilakukan oleh nenek moyang bangsa Indonesia. Untuk mengobati suatu penyakit, orang-orang zaman dulu biasanya meluluri tubuh dengan ramuan yang berbahan dasar rempah-rempah atau daun-daunan tanaman berkhasiat.
Metode luluran atau baluran ini kemdian disempurnakan dengan asap rokok divine kretek setelah Dr. Gretha betemu dengan Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro yang merupakan ahli biologi molekuler sekaligus nanobiologi dari Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jawa Timur. Penggunaan asap rokok divine kretek dalam terapi balur itu merupakan hasil diskusi kedua ilmuwan itu.
"Bukan saya yang menemukan divine kretek. Ini merupakan buah pemikiran dari Dr. Greta Zahar. Saya hanya melanjutkan kajian secara lebih mendalam aspek sainsnya," ujar Sutiman kepada metrotvnews.com, Kamis (22/20/2015).
Secara spesifik asap kretek (biomasa berbahan tembakau dan cengkih) dipilih karena dalam perspektif nanosains nikotin-emas tembakau bersifat pembersih (cleaner) dan komponen struktur tar (sensitizer) nikotin dan cengkih merupakan rangkaian nanostruktur yang istimewa.
Menurut Jack Hennigfield (1998), seorang ahli kimia di John Hopkins, nikotin adalah senyawa kimiawi yang luar biasa. Pendapat ini didukung oleh penelitian Wanda Hamilton (Juli 2001) yang menemukan bahwa di daun tembakau terdapat partikel emas atau aurum (Au). Partikel Au di daun tembakau itu bisa diisolasi sebagai nicotin-gold cair. Faktor inilah yang ditengarai membuat kebiasaan orang-orang pada zaman dahulu, baik orang Indian maupun kemudian orang Eropa, menggunakan tembakau sebagai obat. Meski tanpa kesadaran lmiah dan hanya karena berdasarkan pengalaman empirik saja, orang-orang Indian di Amerika percaya bahwa tembakau dan nikotinnya adalah obat istimewa anugerah dari Tuhan.
Sebagaimana diketahui, industri farmasi pun menggunakan nikotin sebagai obat. Pabrik farmasi mengisolasi nikotin cair dari daun tembakau, karena mempunyai sifat kerja sebagai acetylcholin. Penemuan partikel Au di tembakau ini menguntungkan dunia medis, karena seiring dengan pengobatan kanker secara fotodinamika dengan partikel nano yang sedang digencarkan dalam dekade ini. Dalam era nanosains dan nanoteknologi sekarang ini, konsep fotodinamika untuk terapi dengan partikel nano-aurum digunakan untuk membunuh sel-sel kanker.
Dengan kata lain, para ilmuwan di atas telah meyakini bahwa rokok beracun bukan karena tar dan nikotinnya. Akan tetapi logam Hg (merkuri atau air raksa) yang tersembunyi dalam rokok itu yang membuatnya menjadi racun. Dalam salah satu teori, unsur Hg di udara menjadi berbahaya dan bersifat merusak ketika terpapar dan menyerap sinar ultra violet tipe UVC. Partikel-partikel merkuri yang terpapar UVC itu menjadi radikal bebas yang melayang-layang di udara dan mudah bereaksi dengan molekul-molekul unsur lain yang ada di dekatnya.
Itulah yang mendorong dan menjadi dasar inovasi rokok sehat, divine kretek. Prinsip divine kretekadalah menangkap logam merkuri di tembakau (rokok) dengan formula gabungan senyawa yang menghilangkan radikal bebas.
"Radikal bebas itu adalah senyawa dengan atom yang memiliki elektron tidak berpasangan. Untuk itu, dengan mengambil senyawa-senyawa yang ada di asap itu, kita kembangkan suatu konsep bagaimana meluruhkan radikal bebasnya. Sehingga radikal bebas ini level energinya jadi tidak seganas rokok yang ada di pasaran," kata Sutiman.
Ketertarikan Sutiman untuk meneliti rokok dimulai pada 2007. Secara garis besar, prinsip yang dia lakukan kala itu adalah menghilangkan radikal bebas dari asap rokok. Selain itu, memodifikasi makro molekul yang terkandung dalam asap rokok lewat sentuhan teknologi nano.
Divine kretek hasil ciptaan Sutiman telah diujicobakan ke dua ekor tikus. Dua ekor tikus tersebut sama-sama disuntik kanker kelenjar getah bening.
Menurut Sutiman, para perokok bisa menderita kelenjar getah bening akibat pengaruh nikotin. Satu tikus setiap hari diterapi dengan metode pengasapan menggunakan divine kretek, sedangkan satu tikus dibiarkan hidup tanpa proses pengobatan. Jarak dua pekan tikus tanpa pengobatan mati, sementara satu tikus dengan terapi divine kretek bertahan hidup hingga selama enam bulan.
Apakah terapi tersebut berhasil menyembuhkan penyakit kanker?  
Sutiman sekali lagi menegaskan bahwa penggunaan divine kretek tersebut hanya membantu meningkatkan kualitas hidup penderita kanker.
"Sebetulnya itu bukan menyembuhkan dalam konteks menghilangkan sel kankernya. Tapi itu mengontrol radikal bebas yang ada di dalam tubuh, yang biasanya banyak pada orang sakit," kata Sutiman.
Ia menuturkan, inovasi divine kretek dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan meringankan penderitaan istrinya yang terkena kanker payudara. Lalu sang istri pun menjalani pengobatan dengan metode terapi balur. Namun, terapi itu dikeluhkan karena dirasa tidak nyaman.
"Kemudian Dr. Greta Zahar berpikir untuk kemungkinan memakai asap rokok yang sudah tidak ada radikal bebasnya ini," kata Sutiman.
Ternyata, ia melanjutkan, penggunaan asap rokok sehat alias divine kretek itu efektif. Terapi balur sekarang jadi lebih nyaman bagi pasien.
"Istri saya sampai sekarang kualitas hidupnya bagus. saya tidak berpikir sembuh dalam arti kankernya hilang semua. Tapi semua data menunjukkan bahwa level indikasi kankernya itu menjadi rendah. Kalau dilakukan CT-Scan itu kankernya bisa tidak terdeteksi lagi," kata Sutiman.
Kini, Sutiman ingin mengembangkan temuannya bersama Gretha itu. Menurut dia, hasil penelitian dalam bentuk divine kretek tersebut masih merupakan tahapan awal. Karena itu, ia merencanakan penelitian lanjutan. "Saya akan melakukan eksperimen-eksperimen lainnya untuk memberikan pemahaman secara lebih detail," kata Sutiman.
Sutiman pun menegaskan bahwa penelitiannya ini tidak bertujuan menguntungkan kepentingan industri rokok. Ia membantah anggapan tentang ada dukungan industri rokok dibalik temuannya terkait divine kretek.
Ia tertarik melakukan penelitian, karena terdorong menemukan solusi atas permasalahan bangsa yang berkaitan dengan kearifan lokal. Tidak hanya rokok yang disorotinya, jamu pun salah satu kearifan lokal lain yang mendapat perhatiannya.
"Menurut saya, semua hal yang berhubungan dengan hasil karya nenek moyang kita itu adalah patut diapresiasi. Apakah itu kretek, jamu, dan lain-lain. Semuanya harus diapresiasi, jangan sampai malah kita melakukan depresiasi tehadap itu semua," kata Sutiman.
Sutiman sendiri mengaku bukan perokok. Ini sekaligus menegaskan bahwa peneliti harus mengabaikan unsur subyektivitas dan mengedepankan obyektivitas.
Itu pula sebabnya Sutiman tidak menawarkan temuannya ini kepada produsen rokok. Penjualan filter divine kretek yang berlabel Lembaga Penelitian Peluruhan Radikal Bebas, Malang, Jawa Timur, semata untuk membantu pendanaan penelitian lanjutan.
"Orientasi riset ini memang bukan ke arah bisnis," kata Sutiman.
Namun, Sutiman tak menutup kemungkinan untuk membuat paten atas temuannya. "Bisa dipatenkan hanya supaya tidak menjadi monopoli dari suatu perusahaan saja," kata Sutiman.

Anda Lebih Tahu dari Dokter Anda

10 Crucial Questions Your Doctor Should Ask You (But Probably Doesn’t)

By Lissa Rankin MD
Guest Writer for Wake Up World

We all know what it’s like to fill out detailed forms about our medical history at the doctor’s office. But is your doctor asking you the questions he or she really needs in order to get a good read on your health?

At the Whole Health Medicine Institute, the training program my team runs for doctors, nurses, acupuncturists, energy healers and other health care providers, we teach healers how to ask patients the right questions. But in case your doctor isn’t asking you the questions that might illuminate potential root causes of your illness, try asking yourself these questions…

1. What is your body saying no to?

What is really true for us — wholly, deeply, undeniably true at a soul level — often appears as flashes of intuition. We encounter it in dark nights of the soul. We see it reflected back to us through the mirrors of other people. We feel it in our bones. But we often deny what is true for us. If we ignore the truth when it visits us from the subtle realms, it tends to out-picture via the body.The body speaks to us in whispers, but if we fail to pay attention to the whispers, the body starts to yell. Discomfort in the body may start as tightness in the solar plexus, or it shows up as back pain or headaches. If we still ignore the messages our bodies are sending us about what is true for us, the body breaks down in more life-threatening ways. If your doctor asked you “What is your body saying ‘No’ to?” would you be brave enough to tell yourself the truth?

2. What does your body need in order to heal?
As doctors, we go to medical school, ostensibly so we know your body better than you do. While it may be true that we know your anatomy better than you, your intuition knows what is in your body’s best interest better than any doctor possibly could.
When you’re asked, “What does your body need in order to heal?” you may be surprised at what comes up. You might answer “I need to eat a raw foods diet” or “I need to do yoga every night” or “I have to make sure I get eight hours of sleep.” Or you might be surprised to find yourself saying things like “I need to quit my job” or “I need to break up with my boyfriend” or “I need to set boundaries with my mother.” There are no guarantees that you’ll be cured if you actually do what you think might support your healing. But you never know. There might be a miracle right around the corner if you’re willing to trust yourself.

3. What’s out of balance in your life?
In my book Mind Over Medicine, I share a wellness model that I call “The Whole Health Cairn”, which acknowledges that “whole health” depends not just on what you eat, how much you sleep, and how much exercise you get, but on the health of your relationships, your work and sense of life purpose, your creativity, your spirituality, your sexuality, your finances, your environment, and your mental health.
Many of us devote all of our bandwidth to one or two aspects of our lives, at the expense of the others. We throw ourselves into our work but neglect our creative side. Or we deplete ourselves by caretaking those we love at the cost of our sense of life purpose. A wholly healthy life requires feeding all of what nourishes us. This isn’t just some New Age concept. It’s scientifically proven, with all the data to support these claims published in Mind Over Medicine (in case you’re a science nerd like me!)

4. Do you feel like you’re in touch with your life’s purpose?
People who are living in alignment with their life purpose tend to be healthier than those who feel out of touch with their mission or calling. In fact, some even experience “spontaneous” remissions from seemingly “incurable” illnesses when they finally do whatever it takes to live out their calling. Yet too many of us choose comfort and certainty as our primary values, even if it means violating how the soul yearns to contribute in this world.

5. Are you lonely?
Lonely people are three times more likely to die young than people who feel like they belong to part of a tribe, and those who feel supported by their community have half the risk of heart disease compared to those who feel socially isolated. In fact, researchers posit that loneliness may be a greater risk factor for your health than an unhealthy diet, not exercising, or smoking. But when was the last time your doctor screened you for loneliness?

6. Do you feel sexually satisfied?
Scientific data proves that sex increases your longevity, lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke, reduces your risk of breast cancer, bolsters your immune system, helps you sleep, relieves chronic pain, and reduces the risk of depression, and lowers stress levels. You may not think your sex life and your health are related, but studies suggest that they are. In fact, a study of Ikarian men (who are known to live to be well over a hundred), found that among men aged 65–100, 80% of them claimed to have sex regularly, and a quarter of that self-reported group said they were doing so with “good duration” and “achievement.” Go dudes.

7. Do you feel depressed, anxious, or frequently afraid?
Happy people live 7–10 years longer than depressed people, and as is well documented scientifically in my book The Fear Cure, fear and anxiety have been shown to predispose you to heart disease, cancer, and even the common cold.

8. Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
Your attitude affects your health. Happy people live, and optimists are 77% less likely to die from heart disease than pessimists.

9. Do you often feel helpless?
As has been demonstrated in many scientific studies, when we feel empowered to change the things that get us down, we boost our body’s ability to fight disease, whereas when we feel helpless, at the mercy of life, our immune systems weaken, and we are prone to illness. In fact, the phenomena psychologist Martin Seligman calls “learned helplessness” has been shown to reduce a rat’s ability to fight off cancer. Empowered rats injected with cancer died of cancer 30% of the time, while the helpless rats died 73% of the time.

10. Do you believe in a Higher Power?
Your spiritual life has been scientifically shown to protect your health. In fact, people who attend religious services live up to 14 years longer than those who don’t. You don’t have to go to the church, synagogue, or mosque to experience the health benefits of a rich spiritual life.
People who are “spiritual but not religious” also experience health benefits, most likely because trust in a Higher Power reduces stress responses in the nervous system, thereby activating the body’s natural self-repair mechanisms and helping the body heal itself.
Do you wish your health care provider asked you questions like these? If you’re a health care provider interested in enrolling in the 2015 Class of the Whole Health Medicine Institute, we’re accepting new students until the program begins with a live event in the San Francisco Bay area on June 5. You can register here. Along with me, guest teachers include mind body medicine pioneers like Rachel Naomi Remen, Larry Dossey, Bernie Siegel, Bruce Lipton, Kelly Turner, and more.
If you’re interested in finding a health care provider who has been trained to ask these questions, you can find a list of certified practitioners here.
This is how we heal our broken health care system—one doctor-patient relationship at a time. When we remember what it means to attend to someone’s whole health, we make the body ripe for miracles.